The POLAR PLUNDERER and the IGNOBLE DESPOILER have now both departed on their mission to destroy the Arctic and kill us all. Their current locations can be tracked by clicking on their names above. While they may have escaped the easy grasp of many on land, they still have to deal with the might of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas. Considering they had so much trouble navigating the Polar Plunderer in the Puget Sound (Southern Salish Sea), they likely will meet a similar fate as the Kulluk in 2012. Regardless of their success or failure this year’s “arctic drilling season” Shell has a long term contract to station its Arctic drilling fleet in the Port of Seattle and thus intends to return there eventually. Short of using the above links to track down the oil rigs and taking action on the high seas, for the time being people can take action in many ways including but not limited to:
-participating in the boycott of Shell gas stations everywhere
-spreading the whispers of and preparing for the anti Arctic drilling convergence in Seattle in 2016
-continuing to spread awareness everywhere of the implications of Arctic drilling, mobilizing friends and family can be a good start as well as public outreach
-fighting other extractive industry projects and learning from those struggles in preparation to stop Shell next year. One such opportunity is the “Call of the East” in Montreal happening now a summer of actions against Enbridge’s “Line 9” (Tar Sands) [If you would like to see other convergences listed here, please contact]
-learning to live without fossil fuels and spreading those practices [to request or share materials on this please contact]
-and much more!
[please contact to add to this list!]