
(to submit a communique, email it to with the subject line COMMUNIQUE)

High gods entertainment is making a call for art submission blitz for the next 48 hours against the corporation shell ur images will be used to battle shell in many different ways both online and in person we stop taking submission at 1pm on 6/13 send to”


High gods entertainment está haciendo una llamada por un torrente de arte por las 48 horas siguientes en contra de la empresa Shell. Sus imagenes se usarán para luchar frente a Shell en muchas maneras distintas, por internet y en persona. Cerramos las contibuciones a la 1pm el 13 de junio. Contibuciones a

Call to Action: June Against Doom

Calling all land defenders, de-colonial warriors, migrants, pigmented people, poor folks, prisoners, workers, queers, parents, children, animal lovers, hikers, environmentalists, teachers, students, activists, revolutionaries and anyone who resides on planet Earth, your help is needed in Seattle, occupied Duwamish, Suquamish Territory, to join the ongoing fight to defend the land and life from shell‘s poisonous plan to destroy the Earth.

What is Happening and Why it is Important to You:

Royal Dutch Shell wants to drill in the Arctic, but if we allow that to happen:

– According to the U.S. government; there is a 75% chance of a major oil spill.

– Indigenous peoples on the Beaufort & Chukchi seas who rely on the ocean to live and sustain their way of life, so when a spill happens they would not be able to sustain their life and culture. This is a continuation of genocide of Indigenous Peoples.

– According to the Coast Guard Commandant there is no way to clean up an oil-spill in the Arctic.

– Pipes carrying oil will be installed in the seafloor. When winter comes, the ice digs into the sea floor where the pipes are. Their system is built to fail and we must stop it!

– Once the oil from the Arctic is burned it will ensure a 2 degree Celsius change, which will mean:

* Super Droughts – Bread Basket in the Midwest will be unable to produce food.

1) The cost of food will go up, disproportionately impacting poor people and people of color.

2) We could end up having to import food, making us even more vulnerable to cost surges.

3) Lack of food will lead to the consumption of more processed food in urban areas by low-income households, diminishing nutrition. As a result:

a) Our children may lack the nutrients necessary to be as efficient in school as other groups of children who can still afford nutritious food.

b) Increase in infant mortality rates because a mother’s nutrition is vitally important during pregnancy.

c) Increase in preventable adult fatalities, consuming more processed foods will lead to increased rates of diabetes and heart disease.

*Increased Volume of Disease and Illness:

1) This will affect low income communities that will be more densely populated and thus at higher risk

*Mass Extinctions- Desertification, famines, destruction of habitat for humans and other species, as well as up to a 40 degree temperature change in some regions.

*Extreme Sea Level Rise Up to 32 Ft.

1) This would displace low-income households locally

2) This would also drown major coastal cities; e.g., in places such as Florida, the Puget Sound & ALL OF THE PHILLIPINES!!!

*Contaminating Fresh Water Supplies

*Irreversible Feedback Loop:

Feedback loops are systems that reinforce each other, that will perpetuate climate change into an unstoppable force. This is why climate change is of urgent concern because after 2 degrees, we may be unable to stop climate change, so we must stop it now!


January this year 3 companies withdrew their drilling leases in Greenland’s Arctic waters.

Indigenous peoples in Alaska and around the world are continuing the more than 520 year fight against colonialism, against destruction and to protect the land and our children’s future. Join the Fight!

June 2015, June Against Doom is a call for a month of actions against shell. Shell only has until June 30th to head up to the Arctic and we will, and want you to join us in doing everything we can to try and prevent them from making it up to the Arctic.

We know that Indigenous People, People in the Global South, Migrants and Communities of Color are the first and most impacted by the effects of Climate Change and contamination of our habitats, that Environmental Racism is one of many ways violence is perpetuated against our communities; that this fight is a fight to respect life and it intersects with all other fights to protect our right to life such as Idle No More, Black Lives Matter Movement, Migrant Movements, Anti-prison and deportation, Decolonial, Queer, Disability Justice, Women’s Rights, Anti-rape, Anti-imperial and Anti-capitalist struggle.

How to take action:

*Support Indigenous Actions and Events: Stay Tuned

*COME TO SEATTLE RIGHT NOW for a convergence against Shell starting this week. Bring a sleeping bag and tent or contact us for housing

*Join the storytelling and action camp

*Join the phone campaign


*Take action in your area!

* Join the Land blockade starting Friday June 5th, Saturday June 6th and Monday June 8th!!!


No Matter The Outcome of This Week and Month, The Struggle Will Continue!


Email or use the reply function below (requires a account) to share communiques. Also please get in touch if you can help with translating to any other language(s).

One thought on “Communiques

  1. PortalFromTheFutures

    May 29, 2015
    To: members, participants, inhabitants of planet earth and/or inter-dimensional or intergalactic beings concerned with our collective fate.
    RE: Royal Dutch Shell and Arctic Drilling operations currently in preparation in the Port of Seattle, occupied Duwamish and Suquamish lands (AKA The Emerald City and the Land of Oz)
    YOU are invited to a collaboration of grand scale to help save the past, present and futures from a most terrible fate.
    As of NOW one doombringer, the “Polar Pioneer”, is already stationed in the Port of Seattle. Another doombringer, the “Noble Discoverer”, is stationed in the Port of Everett and plans to join its demonic brethren in the Port of Seattle soon, where the Doomfleet is being prepared for its mission to drill for oil in the Arctic. The demon’s spell of Empire has trapped many of our relatives and put them to work in preparing the Doomfleet, despite the immediate threat it represents to all life. Overseers, enforcers and scabs from the Port of Seattle Commission, Royal Dutch Shell, TransOcean, Foss Maritime, Noble Corporation, Oil Pro, Rigzone, the Seattle Police Department, the Valley Civil Disturbance Unit, the Obama Administration and the US Government, US Coast Guard, US Military, Incident Catering Services, Carlile Transportation,Jones Stevedoring, the Inland Boatmen’s Union of the Pacific, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU Locals 7, 19, 32, 52 and 98) are currently collaborating in the 6th mass extinction on Earth. This is no exaggeration. This extinction is characterized by the rich using fossil fuels to overheat the earth and to construct enclaves with micro-controlled climates where they thrive while the rest of us unnecessarily suffer and die outside of their walls.
    The story with which Empire and energy companies have colonized our imaginations and present realities is leading us down a path of ultimate self-destruction. We need to gather together as fast as we can. We must share our stories. We must remember all that came before us. We must collectively sculpt our destinies. Staring certain death in the face as a consequence of our willing or unwilling incarceration in this oily war machine, all we are left with is each other and our ability to weave together a world in which many worlds fit.
    Our resistance to the threat against our existence creates a portal from the futures, where battle is done over what fate we meet. There are many ways to engage in this struggle. Create other communiqués convoking communities to congregate and collaborate against our doom. For those who can arrive to Occupied Duwamish and Suquamish lands before the Doomfleet’s scheduled departure (currently June 10, 2015 but subject to change and they will miss the drilling season if delayed past the 30th), there are already ample accomplices awaiting your arrival. The rumors are true! Autonomous action camps grounded in sharing of food and stories in the midst of resistance to the Doomfleet are sprouting victories against the Empire. Those who cannot physically participate with the camps nearest to the Doomfleet can engage this particular portal from the futures by attacking the hydra head of Shell nearest you and sharing stories. In a myriad of mediums—our lives, bodies and physical rebellions, writing, speaking, video, hip hop, poetry, spoken word and music of all sorts—generate and share stories of our successes and failures against the Doomfleet and Empire. From the perspective of grandchildren to come, how was the war on life brought to an end? How did you act in response to this information? What are the consequences for them of the actions you took and the actions you did not take? What will the world look like in 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, 300 years, 3,000 years if we do not stop the Doomfleet? If we do?
    A quest has been delivered to all who seek life: Royal Dutch Shell’s arctic drilling fleet must not leave the Port of Seattle.
    Get (y)ourself free.
    The Good Witches of the Pacific Northwest
    #PortalFromTheFutures #StorytellingActionCamps
    29 de mayo 2015
    Para: miembros, participantes, habitantes del planeta tierra y / o seres interdimensionales o intergalácticos que se ocupan de nuestro destino colectivo.
    RE: las operaciones de Royal Dutch Shell en el Árctico actualmente en preparación en el Puerto de Seattle, las tierras ocupadas de l@s Duwamish y Suquamish (tcc La Ciudad Esmeralda y La Tierra de Oz)
    USTED está invitad@ a una colaboración de gran escala para ayudar a salvar el pasado, presente y los futuros de un destino muy terrible.
    A partir de ahora un portador de ruina, el “Polar Pionero”, ya se encuentra estacionado en el puerto de Seattle. Otro portador de ruina, el “Noble Descubridor”, se encuentra estacionado en el Puerto de Everett y planea unirse pronto a sus hermanos demoníacos en el Puerto de Seattle, donde la flota de muerte se está preparando para su misión de extraer petróleo en el Ártico. El hechizo del demonio del Imperio ha atrapado a muchos de nuestros familiares y los puso a trabajar en la preparación de la flota de muerte, a pesar de la amenaza inmediata que representa para tod@s. Los supervisores, sicarios y trabajadores rompehuelgas de la Comisión del Puerto de Seattle, Royal Dutch Shell, TransOcean, Foss Maritime, Noble Corporation, Oil Pro, Rigzone,the Seattle Police Department, the Valley Civil Disturbance Unit, the Obama Administration and the US Government, US Coast Guard, US Military, Incident Catering Services, Carlile Transportation, Jones Stevedoring, Inland Boatmen’s Union of the Pacific, y el International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU Locals 7, 19, 32, 52 and 98) están colaborando actualmente en la sexta extinción masiva en el Planeta Tierra. Esto no es una exageración. Esta extinción se caracteriza por l@s ric@s usando los combustibles fósiles para calientar el mundo y para construir enclaves con micro climas controlados donde puedan prosperar mientras que el resto de nosotr@s sufrimos y morimos innecesariamente fuera de sus muros.
    La historia con la que el Imperio y las empresas de energía han colonizado nuestra imaginación y la realidad actual nos está llevando por un camino de autodestrucción final. Necesitamos encontrarnos lo más rápido posible. Debemos compartir nuestras historias. Debemos recordar todo lo que vino antes de nosotr@s. Debemos esculpir colectivamente nuestros destinos. Estando ante una muerte segura, como consecuencia de nuestro encarcelamiento, voluntario o no, en esta máquina petrolera de guerra, lo único que tenemos es a nosotr@s mism@s y nuestra habilidad para tejer juntos un mundo en que quepan muchos mundos.
    Nuestra resistencia a la amenaza contra nuestra existencia crea un portal de los futuros, en donde se hace la batalla por el destino. Crear otros comunicados convocando comunidades a congregarse y colaborar en contra de nuestra perdición. Para l@s que pueden llegar a las tierras ocupadas de l@s Duwamish y Suquamish antes de la salida programada de la flota de muerte (actualmente el 10 de junio 2015, sujeta a cambios y ellos perderan la temporada de extracción del árctico si haya retraso hasta el 30), ya hay amplios cómplices en espera de su llegada. ¡Los rumores son ciertos! Campamentos de acción autónomos basados en compartir la comida y las historias en medio de la resistencia a la flota de muerte están brotando victorias en contra del Imperio. Los que no pueden participar físicamente con los encampamentos cercanos a la flota de muerte pueden participar de este portal de los futuros al atacar la cabeza de la hidra de Shell más cercana a usted y compartir historias. A través de un gran número de medios—nuestras vidas, cuerpos y rebeliones físicas, escritura, oral, video, hip hop, poesía, palabra hablada y música de todo tipo—genérense y compartan historias de nuestros éxitos y fracasos contra la flota de muerte y el Imperio. Desde la perspectiva de l@s niet@s por venir, ¿cómo fue llevado a su fin la guerra contra la vida? ¿Cómo actuó usted en respuesta a esta información? ¿Para ell@s que vienen, cuáles son las consecuencias de las acciones que tomó y las acciones que no tomó usted?¿Cómo aparecerá el mundo en 3 semanas, 3 meses, 3 años, 300 años, 3,000 años si no paramos la flota de muerte? ¿y en el caso de sí?
    La búsqueda se ha entregado a todos los que quieren la vida: la flota de perforación ártica de Royal Dutch Shell no debe salir del Puerto de Seattle.
    Liberate a ti mism@ y liberemonos tod@s nosotr@s.
    L@s Bruj@s Buen@s del Noroeste Pacífico
    #PortalFromTheFutures #StorytellingActionCamps

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